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总体可分为两层吧,入口不算,Screen+Actor. 这个很好理解啊,你去看话剧表演,得有屏幕吧,屏幕上面有英雄,有坏蛋,还有道具吧,






1. 入口类 FirstGame     既然是入口,主要做一些初始化操作
public class FirstGame extends Game{    private MenuScreen menuScreen;    @Override    public void create()    {        Const.WIDTH = Gdx.graphics.getWidth();        Const.HEIGHT = Gdx.graphics.getHeight();        menuScreen = new MenuScreen(this);        setScreen(menuScreen);    }    @Override    public void render()    {        Gdx.gl.glClear(GL20.GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT);        super.render();    }}
2. 游戏选择界面 MenuScreen 这里真正开始libgdx部分了,主要是图片按钮TextButton控件的使用及两个动画特效的实现。根据界面显示,用了6个主菜单TextButton和3个子菜单TextButton,代码如下:
public class MenuScreen implements Screen{    private TextButtonStyle whiteStyle, blackStyle;    /** 6个主菜单 */    private TextButton classicBtn, arcadeBtn, zenBtn, speedBtn, relayBtn, moreBtn;    /** 3个子菜单 */    private TextButton mode1Btn, mode2Btn, mode3Btn;    private Texture texture;    private Stage stage;    /** 这里用集合来存放所有点击过的菜单的位置,用来得到哪一个需要收缩,哪一个需要弹出 */    private List
idList; /** 是否播放动画 */ private boolean isrun; private FirstGame game; public MenuScreen(FirstGame game) { this.game = game; } @Override public void render(float delta) { /** 收缩菜单与弹出菜单动画特效。这里开始逻辑有点乱,耐心看看吧,一时间没想到更好的办法,唉 ==||*/ if (isrun) { int len = idList.size(); if (len > 0) { if (len > 1) { if (idList.get(len - 2) % 2 == 1) { if (inx > -240) { modeBtnMoveIn(); } } else { if (inx < 480) { modeBtnMoveIn(); } } } if (idList.get(len - 1) % 2 == 1) { if (outx < 0) { modeBtnMoveOut(); } else { isrun = false; } } else { if (outx > 240) { modeBtnMoveOut(); } else { isrun = false; } } } } Gdx.gl.glClearColor(1, 1, 1, 1); Gdx.gl.glClear(GL20.GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); stage.draw(); } @Override public void resize(int width, int height) { } @Override public void show() { stage = new Stage(new StretchViewport(Const.WIDTH, Const.HEIGHT)); initBtnStyle(); initBtn(); Gdx.input.setInputProcessor(stage); idList = new ArrayList
(); } /** 初始化按钮背景颜色 */ private void initBtnStyle() { texture = new Texture(Gdx.files.internal("data/whitebg.png")); Sprite sprite = new Sprite(texture); SpriteDrawable whiteSpriteDrawable = new SpriteDrawable(sprite); whiteStyle = new TextButtonStyle(); whiteStyle.down = whiteSpriteDrawable; whiteStyle.up = whiteSpriteDrawable; whiteStyle.font = new BitmapFont(); whiteStyle.fontColor = Color.BLACK; texture = new Texture(Gdx.files.internal("data/black.png")); sprite = new Sprite(texture); SpriteDrawable blackSpriteDrawable = new SpriteDrawable(sprite); blackStyle = new TextButtonStyle(); blackStyle.down = blackSpriteDrawable; blackStyle.up = blackSpriteDrawable; blackStyle.font = new BitmapFont(); blackStyle.fontColor = Color.WHITE; } /** 实例化按钮 */ private void initBtn() { classicBtn = new TextButton("Classic", whiteStyle); classicBtn.setPosition(0, Const.HEIGHT * 2 / 3); classicBtn.setSize(Const.WIDTH / 2, Const.HEIGHT / 3); classicBtn.addListener(new InputListener() { @Override public boolean touchDown(InputEvent event, float x, float y, int pointer, int button) { initmodeBtn("25", "50", "Discontinuous", 1); idList.add(1); setInitX(); isrun = true; return super.touchDown(event, x, y, pointer, button); } }); arcadeBtn = new TextButton("Arcade", blackStyle); arcadeBtn.setPosition(Const.WIDTH / 2, Const.HEIGHT * 2 / 3); arcadeBtn.setSize(Const.WIDTH / 2, Const.HEIGHT / 3); arcadeBtn.addListener(new InputListener() { @Override public boolean touchDown(InputEvent event, float x, float y, int pointer, int button) { initmodeBtn("Normal", "Faster", "Retrograde", 0); idList.add(2); setInitX(); isrun = true; return super.touchDown(event, x, y, pointer, button); } }); zenBtn = new TextButton("Zen", blackStyle); zenBtn.setPosition(0, Const.HEIGHT / 3); zenBtn.setSize(Const.WIDTH / 2, Const.HEIGHT / 3); zenBtn.addListener(new InputListener() { @Override public boolean touchDown(InputEvent event, float x, float y, int pointer, int button) { initmodeBtn("15\"", "30\"", "Discontinuous", 1); idList.add(3); setInitX(); isrun = true; return super.touchDown(event, x, y, pointer, button); } }); speedBtn = new TextButton("Speed", whiteStyle); speedBtn.setPosition(Const.WIDTH / 2, Const.HEIGHT / 3); speedBtn.setSize(Const.WIDTH / 2, Const.HEIGHT / 3); speedBtn.addListener(new InputListener() { @Override public boolean touchDown(InputEvent event, float x, float y, int pointer, int button) { initmodeBtn("Slow", "Normal", "Retrograde", 0); idList.add(4); setInitX(); isrun = true; return super.touchDown(event, x, y, pointer, button); } }); relayBtn = new TextButton("Relay", whiteStyle); relayBtn.setPosition(0, 0); relayBtn.setSize(Const.WIDTH / 2, Const.HEIGHT / 3); relayBtn.addListener(new InputListener() { @Override public boolean touchDown(InputEvent event, float x, float y, int pointer, int button) { initmodeBtn("8\"", "10\"", "12\"", 1); idList.add(5); setInitX(); isrun = true; return super.touchDown(event, x, y, pointer, button); } }); moreBtn = new TextButton("More", blackStyle); moreBtn.setPosition(Const.WIDTH / 2, 0); moreBtn.setSize(Const.WIDTH / 2, Const.HEIGHT / 3); moreBtn.addListener(new InputListener() { @Override public boolean touchDown(InputEvent event, float x, float y, int pointer, int button) { initmodeBtn("1", "2", "3", 0); idList.add(6); setInitX(); isrun = true; return super.touchDown(event, x, y, pointer, button); } }); stage.addActor(classicBtn); stage.addActor(arcadeBtn); stage.addActor(zenBtn); stage.addActor(speedBtn); stage.addActor(relayBtn); stage.addActor(moreBtn); /** 在这里实例化并注册监听事件,不能去到initmodeBtn再做操作 */ mode1Btn = new TextButton("", whiteStyle); mode2Btn = new TextButton("", blackStyle); mode3Btn = new TextButton("", whiteStyle); mode1Btn.addListener(new InputListener() { @Override public boolean touchDown(InputEvent event, float x, float y, int pointer, int button) { setScreen(1); return super.touchDown(event, x, y, pointer, button); } }); mode2Btn.addListener(new InputListener() { @Override public boolean touchDown(InputEvent event, float x, float y, int pointer, int button) { setScreen(2); return super.touchDown(event, x, y, pointer, button); } }); mode3Btn.addListener(new InputListener() { @Override public boolean touchDown(InputEvent event, float x, float y, int pointer, int button) { setScreen(3); return super.touchDown(event, x, y, pointer, button); } }); } /** 页面跳转 */ private void setScreen(int mode) { switch (idList.get(idList.size() - 1)) { case 1: switch (mode) { case 1: game.setScreen(new GameScreen(game, Const.GameModeOne.CLASSIC, Const.GameModeTwo.MODE1)); break; case 2: game.setScreen(new GameScreen(game, Const.GameModeOne.CLASSIC, Const.GameModeTwo.MODE2)); break; case 3: game.setScreen(new GameScreen(game, Const.GameModeOne.CLASSIC, Const.GameModeTwo.MODE3)); break; default: break; } break; case 2: switch (mode) { case 1: game.setScreen(new GameScreen(game, Const.GameModeOne.ARCADE, Const.GameModeTwo.MODE1)); break; case 2: game.setScreen(new GameScreen(game, Const.GameModeOne.ARCADE, Const.GameModeTwo.MODE2)); break; case 3: game.setScreen(new GameScreen(game, Const.GameModeOne.ARCADE, Const.GameModeTwo.MODE3)); break; default: break; } break; case 3: switch (mode) { case 1: game.setScreen(new GameScreen(game, Const.GameModeOne.ZEN, Const.GameModeTwo.MODE1)); break; case 2: game.setScreen(new GameScreen(game, Const.GameModeOne.ZEN, Const.GameModeTwo.MODE2)); break; case 3: game.setScreen(new GameScreen(game, Const.GameModeOne.ZEN, Const.GameModeTwo.MODE3)); break; default: break; } break; case 4: switch (mode) { case 1: game.setScreen(new GameScreen(game, Const.GameModeOne.SPEED, Const.GameModeTwo.MODE1)); break; case 2: game.setScreen(new GameScreen(game, Const.GameModeOne.SPEED, Const.GameModeTwo.MODE2)); break; case 3: game.setScreen(new GameScreen(game, Const.GameModeOne.SPEED, Const.GameModeTwo.MODE3)); break; default: break; } break; case 5: switch (mode) { case 1: game.setScreen(new GameScreen(game, Const.GameModeOne.RELAY, Const.GameModeTwo.MODE1)); break; case 2: game.setScreen(new GameScreen(game, Const.GameModeOne.RELAY, Const.GameModeTwo.MODE2)); break; case 3: game.setScreen(new GameScreen(game, Const.GameModeOne.RELAY, Const.GameModeTwo.MODE3)); break; default: break; } break; case 6: break; default: break; } } /** 初始化不同游戏模式按钮 */ private void initmodeBtn(String s1, String s2, String s3, int flag) { mode1Btn.setText(s1); mode2Btn.setText(s2); mode3Btn.setText(s3); /** 背景色分了两种情况 */ if (flag == 1) { mode1Btn.setStyle(whiteStyle); mode2Btn.setStyle(blackStyle); mode3Btn.setStyle(whiteStyle); } else { mode1Btn.setStyle(blackStyle); mode2Btn.setStyle(whiteStyle); mode3Btn.setStyle(blackStyle); } stage.addActor(mode1Btn); stage.addActor(mode2Btn); stage.addActor(mode3Btn); } /** 收缩菜单的x坐标需要平移到哪里为止,弹出菜单的x坐标需要平移到哪里为止 */ private float inx, outx; /** 这两个值分别用来计算弹出菜单的高度和y坐标 */ private float moveh, moveYEnd; /** 按钮收缩动画效果 */ private void modeBtnMoveIn() { int len = idList.size(); if (len > 1) { switch (idList.get(len - 2)) { case 1: moveYEnd = 800 * 2 / 3; moveh = 800 / 3; inx -= 20; mode1Btn.setPosition(inx, moveYEnd + moveh * 2 / 3); mode1Btn.setSize(Const.WIDTH / 2, moveh / 3); mode2Btn.setPosition(inx, moveYEnd + moveh / 3); mode2Btn.setSize(Const.WIDTH / 2, moveh / 3); mode3Btn.setPosition(inx, moveYEnd); mode3Btn.setSize(Const.WIDTH / 2, moveh / 3); break; case 2: moveYEnd = 800 * 2 / 3; moveh = 800 / 3; inx += 20; mode1Btn.setPosition(inx, moveYEnd + moveh * 2 / 3); mode1Btn.setSize(Const.WIDTH / 2, moveh / 3); mode2Btn.setPosition(inx, moveYEnd + moveh / 3); mode2Btn.setSize(Const.WIDTH / 2, moveh / 3); mode3Btn.setPosition(inx, moveYEnd); mode3Btn.setSize(Const.WIDTH / 2, moveh / 3); break; case 3: moveYEnd = 800 / 3; moveh = 800 / 3; inx -= 20; mode1Btn.setPosition(inx, moveYEnd + moveh * 2 / 3); mode1Btn.setSize(Const.WIDTH / 2, moveh / 3); mode2Btn.setPosition(inx, moveYEnd + moveh / 3); mode2Btn.setSize(Const.WIDTH / 2, moveh / 3); mode3Btn.setPosition(inx, moveYEnd); mode3Btn.setSize(Const.WIDTH / 2, moveh / 3); break; case 4: moveYEnd = 800 / 3; moveh = 800 / 3; inx += 20; mode1Btn.setPosition(inx, moveYEnd + moveh * 2 / 3); mode1Btn.setSize(Const.WIDTH / 2, moveh / 3); mode2Btn.setPosition(inx, moveYEnd + moveh / 3); mode2Btn.setSize(Const.WIDTH / 2, moveh / 3); mode3Btn.setPosition(inx, moveYEnd); mode3Btn.setSize(Const.WIDTH / 2, moveh / 3); break; case 5: moveYEnd = 0; moveh = 800 / 3; inx -= 20; mode1Btn.setPosition(inx, moveYEnd + moveh * 2 / 3); mode1Btn.setSize(Const.WIDTH / 2, moveh / 3); mode2Btn.setPosition(inx, moveYEnd + moveh / 3); mode2Btn.setSize(Const.WIDTH / 2, moveh / 3); mode3Btn.setPosition(inx, moveYEnd); mode3Btn.setSize(Const.WIDTH / 2, moveh / 3); break; case 6: moveYEnd = 0; moveh = 800 / 3; inx += 20; mode1Btn.setPosition(inx, moveYEnd + moveh * 2 / 3); mode1Btn.setSize(Const.WIDTH / 2, moveh / 3); mode2Btn.setPosition(inx, moveYEnd + moveh / 3); mode2Btn.setSize(Const.WIDTH / 2, moveh / 3); mode3Btn.setPosition(inx, moveYEnd); mode3Btn.setSize(Const.WIDTH / 2, moveh / 3); break; default: break; } } } /** 按钮弹出动画效果 */ private void modeBtnMoveOut() { switch (idList.get(idList.size() - 1)) { case 1: moveYEnd = 800 * 2 / 3; moveh = 800 / 3; outx += 15; mode1Btn.setPosition(outx, moveYEnd + moveh * 2 / 3); mode1Btn.setSize(Const.WIDTH / 2, moveh / 3); mode2Btn.setPosition(outx, moveYEnd + moveh / 3); mode2Btn.setSize(Const.WIDTH / 2, moveh / 3); mode3Btn.setPosition(outx, moveYEnd); mode3Btn.setSize(Const.WIDTH / 2, moveh / 3); break; case 2: moveYEnd = 800 * 2 / 3; moveh = 800 / 3; outx -= 15; mode1Btn.setPosition(outx, moveYEnd + moveh * 2 / 3); mode1Btn.setSize(Const.WIDTH / 2, moveh / 3); mode2Btn.setPosition(outx, moveYEnd + moveh / 3); mode2Btn.setSize(Const.WIDTH / 2, moveh / 3); mode3Btn.setPosition(outx, moveYEnd); mode3Btn.setSize(Const.WIDTH / 2, moveh / 3); break; case 3: moveYEnd = 800 / 3; moveh = 800 / 3; outx += 15; mode1Btn.setPosition(outx, moveYEnd + moveh * 2 / 3); mode1Btn.setSize(Const.WIDTH / 2, moveh / 3); mode2Btn.setPosition(outx, moveYEnd + moveh / 3); mode2Btn.setSize(Const.WIDTH / 2, moveh / 3); mode3Btn.setPosition(outx, moveYEnd); mode3Btn.setSize(Const.WIDTH / 2, moveh / 3); break; case 4: moveYEnd = 800 / 3; moveh = 800 / 3; outx -= 15; mode1Btn.setPosition(outx, moveYEnd + moveh * 2 / 3); mode1Btn.setSize(Const.WIDTH / 2, moveh / 3); mode2Btn.setPosition(outx, moveYEnd + moveh / 3); mode2Btn.setSize(Const.WIDTH / 2, moveh / 3); mode3Btn.setPosition(outx, moveYEnd); mode3Btn.setSize(Const.WIDTH / 2, moveh / 3); break; case 5: moveYEnd = 0; moveh = 800 / 3; outx += 15; mode1Btn.setPosition(outx, moveYEnd + moveh * 2 / 3); mode1Btn.setSize(Const.WIDTH / 2, moveh / 3); mode2Btn.setPosition(outx, moveYEnd + moveh / 3); mode2Btn.setSize(Const.WIDTH / 2, moveh / 3); mode3Btn.setPosition(outx, moveYEnd); mode3Btn.setSize(Const.WIDTH / 2, moveh / 3); break; case 6: moveYEnd = 0; moveh = 800 / 3; outx -= 15; mode1Btn.setPosition(outx, moveYEnd + moveh * 2 / 3); mode1Btn.setSize(Const.WIDTH / 2, moveh / 3); mode2Btn.setPosition(outx, moveYEnd + moveh / 3); mode2Btn.setSize(Const.WIDTH / 2, moveh / 3); mode3Btn.setPosition(outx, moveYEnd); mode3Btn.setSize(Const.WIDTH / 2, moveh / 3); break; } } /** 获得收缩菜单和弹出菜单平移的目标位置 */ private void setInitX() { int len = idList.size(); if (len > 1) { if (idList.get(len - 2) % 2 == 1) { inx = 0; } else { inx = 240; } } if (idList.get(len - 1) % 2 == 1) { outx = -240; } else { outx = 480; } } @Override public void hide() { } @Override public void pause() { } @Override public void resume() { } @Override public void dispose() { }}
如果看上面代码毫无压力的话(是指基本用法方面,本人代码比较乱++|| ),libgdx的基本用法差不多了。 3. 演员类 BlockActor  参考OOP里一切皆对象的说法。libgdx里所有用户能看到能动的东西基本都能作为演员,类似你去看话剧,舞台上能动的是不是基本都是演员(可能不是很恰当,初学的话暂时先这么理解吧)。演员有自己的属性,事件,动作等,可以在这里定义。
public class BlockActor extends Actor{    private GameScreen screen;    public ImageButton mImageButton;    private TextureRegionDrawable startRegionDrawable, blackRegionDrawable, whiteRegionDrawable, greyRegionDrawable, redRegionDrawable;    private TextureRegion startRegion, blackRegion, whiteRegion, greyRegion, redRegion;    private Texture startTexture, blackTexture, whiteTexture, greyTexture, redTexture;    public BlockActor(GameScreen screen, BlockColor blockColor, float x, float y, int nameIndex)    {        this.screen = screen;        startTexture = new Texture(Gdx.files.internal("data/start.png"));        startRegion = new TextureRegion(startTexture);        startRegionDrawable = new TextureRegionDrawable(startRegion);        blackTexture = new Texture(Gdx.files.internal("data/black.png"));        whiteTexture = new Texture(Gdx.files.internal("data/white.png"));        greyTexture = new Texture(Gdx.files.internal("data/grey.png"));        redTexture = new Texture(Gdx.files.internal("data/red.png"));        whiteRegion = new TextureRegion(whiteTexture, 120, 200);        whiteRegionDrawable = new TextureRegionDrawable(whiteRegion);        redRegion = new TextureRegion(redTexture, 120, 200);        redRegionDrawable = new TextureRegionDrawable(redRegion);        blackRegion = new TextureRegion(blackTexture, 120, 200);        blackRegionDrawable = new TextureRegionDrawable(blackRegion);        greyRegion = new TextureRegion(greyTexture, 120, 200);        greyRegionDrawable = new TextureRegionDrawable(greyRegion);        if (nameIndex == 1 && blockColor == Const.BlockColor.BLACKBLOCK)        {            mImageButton = new ImageButton(startRegionDrawable, greyRegionDrawable);            mImageButton.setName(nameIndex + "");        } else if (blockColor == Const.BlockColor.BLACKBLOCK)        {            mImageButton = new ImageButton(blackRegionDrawable, greyRegionDrawable);            mImageButton.setName(nameIndex + "");        } else        {            mImageButton = new ImageButton(whiteRegionDrawable, redRegionDrawable);            mImageButton.setName("-1");        }        mImageButton.setSize(120, 200);        mImageButton.setPosition(x, y);        mImageButton.addListener(new InputListener()        {            @Override            public boolean touchDown(InputEvent event, float x, float y, int pointer, int button)            {                return true;            }            @Override            public void touchUp(InputEvent event, float x, float y, int pointer, int button)            {                int position = Integer.parseInt(mImageButton.getName() + "");                if (position == 1)                {                    BlockActor.this.screen.prerowpostion = position;                    BlockActor.this.screen.isStart = true;                    BlockActor.this.screen.blockState = Const.BlockState.MOVEING;                } else                {                    if (BlockActor.this.screen.gameModeOne == Const.GameModeOne.CLASSIC && position == Const.BLOCKCOUNT)                    {                        BlockActor.this.screen.isSuc = true;                        BlockActor.this.screen.blockState = Const.BlockState.IDLE;                        BlockActor.this.screen.game.setScreen(new DeadScreen(BlockActor.this.screen));                    } else                    {                        if (position == BlockActor.this.screen.prerowpostion + 1)                        {                            BlockActor.this.screen.prerowpostion = position;                            BlockActor.this.screen.blockState = Const.BlockState.MOVEING;                        } else                        {                            BlockActor.this.screen.blockState = Const.BlockState.IDLE;                            BlockActor.this.screen.game.setScreen(new DeadScreen(BlockActor.this.screen));                        }                    }                }                super.touchUp(event, x, y, pointer, button);            }        });    }    @Override    public void draw(Batch batch, float parentAlpha)    {        super.draw(batch, parentAlpha);    }}


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